Implement unit testing

Tests can be found in the test directory. The package template has already prepared the draft in runtests.jl that you can fill with @test macros, which check if the conditionals in the same line are true or false. For example:

using Test
using ProjectName

@testset "ProjectName.jl" begin

    var1 = 2 + 2
    var2 = 2 * 2

    @test var1 == var2


You can then run the tests locally from the package manager command line as follows:

activate .
# run tests defined in "test" directory

This is quite nice. However, the amount of tests you make will increase exponentially as you add more features to your package, and you might want to split the tests into multiple files to avoid confusion and conflicts among dependencies (if some utilities depend on different externals). For this, SafeTestSets.jl comes into play:

using SafeTestsets

@safetestset "Run first test file" begin include("test1.jl") end

@safetestset "Run second test file" begin include("test2.jl") end

@safetestset "Run third test file" begin include("test3.jl") end

After which, you can write tests with the same syntax as in two chunks upstream and run them as in the second-to-last chunk, with the @safetestset being defined in runtests.jl and all other @testset in as many files as you like. Also, don't forget to add SageTestSets.jl to your extras and targets in the Project.toml.

Learn more about unit testing and macros at Test.jl and JuliaLang.