Write and deploy documentation
Now we'll look into the docs
directory, which is responsible for the building and deployment of the documentation. This directory has its own Project.toml
, therefore you can activate it and add new deps just like you did for the main project. At least, it should contain Documenter
(the documentation generator for Julia) and your main project as [deps]
The package template has already prepared the files src/index.md
, which serves as the home page of the deployed docs, and make.jl
, which tells Julia how to build the docs, what dependencies to load, what files to include and in which order they should appear. The latter should look something like this:
using ProjectName, Documenter
ENV["GKSwstype"] = "100"
base_url = "https://github.com/OrganisationName/ProjectName.jl/blob/main/"
authors = "authors",
sitename = "ProjectName.jl",
modules = [ProjectName],
"Home" => "index.md",
"Examples" => "examples.md"
deploydocs(repo="github.com/OrganisationName/ProjectName.jl", push_preview=true)
After you've added some content to the index.md
and maybe also to examples.md
(down below we see worthwhile material to include), try to build the docs locally with the following code:
# switch to the shell command line
# set "docs" as working directory
cd docs
# build docs
julia make.jl
After a while, you'll see a build
directory appearing in docs
, click on index.html
to open the local deployment of the docs.
The docs should primarily showcase the descriptions of the utilities defined in src
just next to the main module. Those descriptions are called docstrings and you can annotate them upstream the corresponding function in the src/
files. For example:
sum(a::Float64, b::Float64)
Computes the sum of `a` and `b`.
# Arguments
- `a::Float64`: first arg.
- `b::Float64`: second arg.
sum(a::Float64, b::Float54) = a + b
The docstring enclosed between the triple quotes can then be rendered in the docs with the following syntax:
Code chunks with examples can also be run inside the docs and the produced images can be added in the form of md links:
using ProjectName
using Plots
out = sum(2, 3)
plot(out, 2, 3)
savefig("plot1.png"); nothing # hide
And then 
in the next line. Note that this might take some troubleshooting before it actually works out.
Learn more about generating documentation in Julia and docstring syntax at Documenter.jl.